Saturday, March 22, 2008

Now, All I want is the real thing

**Backdated post 11th Mar' 2008**

You saw Daddy's wallet lying on the chair. So you grabbed it and try to find out what's inside the wallet. And you found:
  • Some plastic card & papers that you thought you can chew or eat.
  • When you shake it, it make some sound. And you hear some 'ting ting' sounds dropped on the floor.
After you did a messed on the floor, You walked away quietly and start to discover some other new things.

"Your mission accomplished"


Yee Ling said...

Lil Adriel is good in exploring av single thing in daddy's wallet..hahahah..

chin said...

Go Lil Adriel put the coin into his mouth also ???

My Lil' Monster said...

Aunty Yee Ling - I already proclaimed myself as a Digger and Ransacker.

Aunty Chin - I haven't put inside my mouth as I dun think I can bite ler.

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

I just love and enjoy watching all his video. Great job mommy!
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