I finally uploaded some pics on Slide but can't seems to find his video... Ai yah.. will upload the video when I find it.
Well, I'm super lazy to take care of the Lil' Monster today (actually most of the time). Daddy is on course which leave me and the lil ones at home.
So the only way I can relax myself is to find something 'New' for my lil boy. Actually not very new, just that I normally will kept his toys away after he played and will only take it out once in the blue moon.
But to Adriel, is something new. If you still remembered I did a post on 'Diapers maniac'. No not goin blog about diapers again... Nothing on diapers. Is actually the free gift that I wanted to post - Huggies Tent.
I laid a thin mattress on the floor before putting the tent on so if he ever get a fall, it will not be so painful. When I opened up the tent, I can see a glow on his face. I went and collect some of his favourite Bears, tractors, fire truck and put inside with him.
How can a tent be complete without and Fooooooood? Well, since he already had his lunch, I decided to peels and cut an apple for him to munch. This picnic at least can last me bout half and hour before he start to get bored.
Not sure he was 'sayang-ing' (loves) his bears or just get bored with munching, he decided to fed the Bears with some apples. Not only he thought the Bear can eats the apple, even the fire truck gets fed. After a few unsuccessful feeding, he found a new way to eat the apple. His attempt was to put everything in his mouth as though as drinking the apple instead of eating it! Well, Attempt Failed with disappointment! Ended up he tried spreading the apples on the tent!!! Ai yahhhhh give me more work to do.
The next thing I noticed was he was patiently looking at the Papa Bear forehead for awhile (You can read here why the Bears has plaster on). He must be thinking "I have removed my plaster on my head, but WHY bear bear still got plaster one?" 'Mmm... bear bear is time to remove your plaster di'. So, he removed the plaster one-by-one start with Papa and than Mama and finally Baby Bear. It was so funny looking at my rascal removing the plaster. So patient and compassionate.