Thursday, November 1, 2007

My answer to my previous posting

Ok, here is the answer to my previous post on Guessing Game

It happened on Saturday, 20th October 2007 while I was busy cleaning the house together with Albert before heading to Kak Wan's House warming.

After finished cleaning the house, I decided to take a shower while Albert was doing some cleaning in the kitchen. He decided to helped me to sterilised the bottles.

When I was busy packing Adriel's stuff and getting the bottles and teats ready, I noticed that the bottles (only two bottles) was full of water. I dunno how Albert do it but he managed to put 9oz of water inside the big bottle, while the small bottles has 3oz.

I was like OMG, my steriliser!!!!! Luckily the steriliser still in working condition or else my hair will be on fire.

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