Sunday, November 11, 2007

Notty Act

It was about 4tish pm, my lil' monster was awake. He supposed to sleep from 3.15pm till at least 5pm after rolling over at Babysitter house. But this wasn't the case, he only slept for an hour! I think he must be so happy rolling over the new bed - King size wor.

So, I tried to rock him to sleep in his hammock cradle but failed. At the same time, I was half awake. I continue to rock him till he went back to sleep and He keep on waking up. I get so frustrated after so many attempt to rock him to sleep but failed. So, I took him out and throw him inside his cot and let him play by himself whereas ME have some nap, on my bed next to his cot.

I was half awake while keeping an eye on him. At about 5tish, (which he already played by himself for almost an hour without me entertaining him!) I noticed this notty ACT. I quickly ran out and look for my camera to video this action of his while I was half awake!.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Adriel bite it! Don't he feel pain, did you check his teeth or not? He can smile at you when u video it. So funny!

My Lil' Monster said...

Agnes, Yes he loves to bite.. Anything.. No matter ahrd or soft! As u can see from the video clip, his saliva is all over the cot! Mummy olso no eyes see liou!

sting said...

haha... cute :-) and so good boy, can play on his own..

nicole said...

clever Adriel, wish i can him meet him too.

Sasha Tan said...

he BRRRRRR U .. hahahaha so cute!